Working at AFAA

We provide audit services for Air Force operations and activities at all levels. Most of our work involves Performance/Operational Audits in areas such as procurement, logistics, civil engineering, operational readiness, information systems, and other activities. Financial Audits comprise of about 10 percent of our workload.

What is Internal Auditing?

Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations.  It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.

Air Force Audit Agency provides all levels of Air Force management with independent, objective, and quality audit services that include: reviewing and promoting economy, effectiveness, and efficiency of operations; evaluating programs and activities and assisting management in achieving intended results; and assessing and improving Air Force fiduciary stewardship and the accuracy of financial reporting.

Career Progression

Field Activities Directorate:  
Most auditors begin at the GS-7 or GS-9 level and are assigned to an office within the Field Activities Directorate.  The Field Activities Directorate consists of offices located at 46 installations and performs internal audit functions at installations throughout the world.

While in the Field Activities Directorate, auditors complete a 3-year developmental training program and are promoted one-grade level each year of successful performance (GS-7, GS-9, and GS-11).  Once training is complete, auditors are non-competitively promoted to the GS-12 Senior Auditor level.

After satisfactorily completing one year at the GS-12 level, employees are eligible to compete for GS-13 positions throughout AFAA. Most opportunities occur at Wright Patterson AFB OH, Joint Base San Antonio – Randolph TX, and Washington DC areas.

Operations and Support Directorate:
The Operations and Support Directorate is headquartered at Joint Base San Antonio – Randolph TX.  At this location we perform Air Force wide audits in the areas of cyberspace; engineering and environment; air and space operations; and personnel, training, and healthcare.

Acquisition, Logistics, and Financial Management Directorate:
The Acquisition, Logistics, and Financial Management Directorate is headquartered at Wright Patterson AFB OH.  Here is where we perform Air Force wide audits on financial management, maintenance, acquisition, and supply


Senior Executive Service:
Auditor General
Assistant Auditor General

Deputy Assistant Auditor General
Region Chief
Associate Director
Division Chief

Program Manager
Office Chief
Senior Staff Auditor

Team Chief
Audit Manager
Staff Auditor

Senior Auditor

GS-7 through GS-11:
Developmental Auditor



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