Our Value Statement

Motivated professionals helping to build a better Air Force by providing world-class audit service to our customers through dedication, innovation, and teamwork.


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Expand List item 376Collapse List item 376  What educational opportunities exist?
We encourage professional development and provide financial assistance for post-graduate, job-related studies, certification review courses, and other professional development opportunities. The amount of financial assistance may vary, depending on the availability of funds for this purpose. In addition, AFAA personnel have the opportunity to participate in professional military education courses.
Expand List item 377Collapse List item 377  What types of work will I be doing?
We provide audit services for Air Force operations and activities at all levels. Most of our work involves operational audits in areas such as procurement, logistics, civil engineering, operational readiness, information systems, and other activities. Financial auditing comprises about 10 percent of our total workload.
Expand List item 378Collapse List item 378  Where are positions located?
How much travel can I expect?

Most audit locations require some travel. Although the amount of travel depends on your duty location, the average travel is about 20 percent.

What are my chances of being moved to other locations in the future?

Mobility is an important factor in job progression. Your willingness to transfer for more responsible job assignments better prepares you for career advancement opportunities.

Where are positions located?

We have audit offices on many Air Force bases in the continental U.S., Hawaii, and Alaska. Additionally, we have audit offices in Europe and the Pacific that you will be eligible for after gaining sufficient audit experience. These are 2- or 3-year tours, extendable to 7 years, and your family may accompany you.

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